Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!!!!

We have been discovering many new things about each country we are studying this year.  There are many holiday celebrations celebrated around this time of year.

In Mexico we learned about "Las Posadas."  Posada means a place to stay.  In Mexico people go from house to house asking if there is any room for them.  They are not let in until the 4th house, where the party begins.  They do this each night for the 9 nights before Christmas.  We  also talked about the legend of la flor de nochebuena (Pointsettia).

In Puerto Rico, we were able to learn about the Parranda!  See the post below for a better explination and video of what a Parranda is!  Basically, it is Caroling, but people pick up the people from each house and then everyone goes to the next house!

In España, we celebrated the new year (El año nuevo).  All Spainards watch the Clocktower in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid.  When the clocktower hits midnight, they try to eat one grape with each ring of the clocktower.  Each of the grapes represent a month of prosperity in the new year! Check out the FLES YouTube Channel for a video explaning this tradition!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

La Parranda Perfecta

Second Graders are learning about Puerto Rico this year.  As the holiday season is fast approaching, we are learning about an awesome tradition in Puerto Rico called a Parranda.  Here are some facts...

  • Similar to Christmas Caroling
  • Happens late at night
  • A heads up is given to all the participants before the parranda is started
  • Participants start at the first house and "wake them up" with the sound of instruments and singing.
  • Then everyone, including the people at the first house go and do the same thing to the next house.  This continues until everyone ends up at the last house.
  • At each stop along the way there is a small party
  • When the final house is reached, a feast is prepared and everyone partakes! 
Here is a video of the CRCSD Spanish teachers having their own Parranda!  Enjoy!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Quality Learning

We have finally started to get into a routine this year.  There are so many fun things going on that I don't even have enough time to share them all!  I am so excited about a few new additions to the Spanish program this year.  One of them being an iPad mini that I purchased from a grant at the University of Iowa.  It is going to help me bring more authentic Spanish sources to the classroom along with being able to keep data all in one place!

Another addition this year is a reworking of our Student Learning Expectations.  While many of our activities and routines are the same, one of the core areas we have revamped our culture standards. This is giving us more cultural experiences and enriching our curriculum.  Just a reminder of what our cultural topics are:

Kindergarten: Introduction to what is culture
First Grade: Mexico
Second Grade: The Carribbean with a focus on Puerto Rico
Third/Fourth Grade: Spain

As conferences are quickly approaching, as always, please feel free to contact me with any concerns!

Some examples of the fun we are having!!!

Transportation Memory

Making our own Mochilas (Backpacks)

Starting the afternoon of with our Buenas Tardes song!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What have we been doing?!?!

Spanish classes are off and running!  We are two months into school and I am excited to see how focused classes have been.  There is a lot of Spanish learning happening.  Here is an update from each grade level!

           We have been focusing on answering the question:  Whats your name?  We have also been counting from 1-10 and just introduced the basic colors!  We made a book to practice our numbers.  I hope you all received it at home!  Here is one of our favorite videos to help us practice our names!

First Grade:
          We have been focusing on body parts lately!  We have been practicing by coloring our Monster!  Simon dice (Simon Says) is another way that we love to practice.  Mexico will be our cultural experience this year!  We are learning where it is located and what their flag looks like.

Second Grade:
          We have been practicing counting by 10s, new body parts, and learning lots about Puerto Rico!  One of our favorite friends is Senor Hodge! He has lots of videos to help us practice! We also love to dance to help us learn.  Here is one our our favorites to dance to! 


Third Grade
          We have been busy jumping over the ocean to Spain!  We have talked  about the flag and worked on making our own flags.

We have also been practicing the months of the year and graphed our birthdays!  Here are a few classes graphs!  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The links I promised!

One of the major goals of the FLES program is creating global citizens and building cultural competence.  Today, I introduced students to the beautiful country of Spain.  The best part of my day was listening to a student ask her mom if they could go to Spain as soon as her mom picked her up!  That is telling me that I'm doing my job.  I brought some souvenirs back with me including many post cards, flamenco dance essentials, maps, the shell from Santiago, some money and much more!  We have so many fun things to learn!  We ended the class with this video about Barcelona.  We noticed there were many people walking in the streets, but few cars. We even got to look at the Metro map to figure out how we would get around.  Here is the video we watched:

We have also been introducing the question: Can I go to the _____?   In Spanish we say ¿Puedo ir a ____?  We have been practicing with this fun video from Señor Wooly!  As promised, here it is:

If you would like to help your student practice Spanish...please visit the Cedar Rapids FLES YouTube channel.  You can search for us or just click here!  You can then search for videos according to different topics we are studying!  You can never practice too much!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A new year is upon us!

I love the start of the school year.  Students are excited to meet their new teacher, the school is glowing with fresh paint and wax, and teachers are ready to see how much students are going to achieve in the year to come.  Even in the chaos of learning a new schedule, I am loving my classes this year.  I spent a few weeks this summer on a team developing the curriculum for 3rd and 4th grade, and it is going to be an AWESOME year!

The thing I am most excited about this year is Spain.  I lived in Spain for 6 months during my Sophomore year of college and cannot wait to share those experiences!
Here is just a taste! 
Barcelona-On top of Casa Mila looking at La Sagrada Famila


San Sebastian

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Amost there!

Wow!  I cannot believe that the year is coming to an end.  As my first year is almost complete, I look back and see how much I have grown this year.  To my current students, Thank you.  I can only imagine all of the mistakes that I have made this year, and you have been so gracious and forgiving.  I appreciate your feedback and learning from all of you!  Believe it or not, you have probably taught me more this year than I have taught you!

As I'm assessing this week and next I am so happy to see the improvement this trimester.  Between the whirlwind of Trimester 1 and the cold and snow days of Trimester 2, we have finally gotten into a rhythm in Trimester 3 and I can only smile as I see how much growth each of my students has made.  I'm excited to have almost all of you again next year!  Keep up the good work, and stop back next week to see some of the fun activities I have planned for the last week of Spanish class this year!  It should be fun :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kindergarten Class Visitor

Kindergarten was greeted with a class visitor this week!  We read the book Go Away Green Monster, and the students were so excited to see that Green Monster came to visit!  We practiced the parts of the face, made our own class monster, and then put him back together again to be ready to visit the next group of students!  Here are some of the crazy monsters that the Kindergarten classes made!

Mrs. Kimball's Class Monster!
Mrs. McDonalds Class Monster!

Mrs. Seim's class monster!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

¿Qué te duele???

¿Qué te duele???  What hurts???  We have been practicing body parts!  Today we did a partner activity similar to an activity explained in a previous post.  However, we are working on body parts this time.  Check out this video to see how this activity works.  One partner asks what hurts and the other one has to guess what hurts!  While the sentence is not perfect Spanish, they are doing a great job starting to put phrases together!

Friday, April 11, 2014

How do we get to school???

Como vamos a la escuela?  We have been learning about different forms of transportation in 2nd and 3rd grade.  Today we graphed (hicimos un gráfico) how each of us gets to school.  Here is some of the vocab you need to know!
Coche- Car
Autobus- Bus
A Pie- On Foot
Camion- Truck
Bicicleta- Bicycle
Here are the results from Kenwood:
Mrs. Griffin- 3rd Grade

Mrs. Stamp- 2nd Grade

Mrs. Naber- 2nd Grade

Ms. James-3rd Grade

Here are the results from Pierce: 

Mrs. Brautigam's- 2nd Grade
Mrs. Smith-2nd Grade

Here are the results from Garfield:

Mrs Cooper-2/3
Mrs. Boche-2/3

Mrs. Norton-2/3

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Que tiempo hace hoy?

This week we started a new activity in the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms, a guessing game.  I loved walking around the room as students worked well in partners.  Not only were they working together, they were speaking 100% in the target language!  Wow!  Here is what the activity looked like.

*Students were given a partner.  They each had an identical card that contained each of the 6 weather terms that we know.  They then put a divider/folder up between them so they could not see each others cards.  One of them had a cube and placed it on one of their weather terms at random, then asked their partner "Que tiempo hace hoy?" (What is the weather like today?).  Their partner had to guess where they placed their cube...all in Spanish!  What a fun guessing game!

Senorita Schwartz modeling what to say...
Students at Kenwood playing the game.

Here are some other students doing an awesome job! 


Friday, April 4, 2014

Why learn a language?!?

Just came across this awesome video.  I think it explains pretty well why I believe so strongly in learning another language and is easy for students to understand!  Check it out and spread the word that learning languages is both fun and useful!

This is another video...can you guess who it is???

Friday, February 28, 2014

Kindergarten learns their weather terms

Photo used by permission
Kindergarteners started learning their weather terms last week and look how prepared they are.  We learned that está soleado means sunny.  We made sure to put on our sun glasses and sun screen so we were ready.  We got out our flashlight for está nublado, cloudy.  An umbrella came in handy for está lloviendo (raining), and we needed our outside recess gear for está nevando (snowing).  Here are some of the students showing off their weather signs and gear!   
Here is what kindergarten students need to know:
 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?  (What is the weather like today?)
Está Soleado- It's sunny
Está Nublado-It's cloudy
Está lloviendo-It's raining
Está nevando- It's snowing
Hace calor- It's hot
Hace frio- It's cold

Friday, February 21, 2014

Virtual Field Trips!

Technology is adding an AMAZING element to the Spanish classroom today.  First graders through 3rd graders took mini vacations today, complete with security lines, boletos (tickets) and a takeoff! We left from Kenwood Elementary and made a quick jump to the Cedar Rapids Airport.  After passing through the security check point, and presenting their boarding passes, each class was off to their destination with Señorita Schwartz as their personal tour guide!
First Grade:
First grade had first class tickets to Mexico.  We learned about 4 regions: El desierto, el bosque tropical, la playa, and las montañas.  Thanks to Google Earth we were  able to walk through the sand on the beach, take an airplane tour of the highest mountains, see the dry desert, and get a peek into the rainforest!  We even made a quick stop in Mexico City to do a comparison of how it compares to Cedar Rapids!  There are lots of cool places still left to explore! 

2nd and 3rd Grade:
Puerto Rico was the destination of choice for these students.  While it is still warmer than Cedar Rapids, there is no dry desert to be found!  It was all tropical, mountains, and beaches that we found.  Our first stop was the Capital City, San Juan.  Then we took a 360 tour of El Morro!  If you haven't heard about it yet, you should check it out!  Then we couldn't skip the huge telescope or the Yunque National Forest. We ended our trip with a tour of some of the huge mountains in the center of the island!  We watched as the plane spun us around and we could see the ocean from every point of the mountain!  Super awesome!  Hopefully we will be back to visit again soon! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vamos a Practicar!!!

Again, this trimester has flown by!  I am already starting to assess students, and am really proud to see how much students have learned this year!  I just wanted to update to let you know what I will be looking for this trimester.

  • Counting 1-10
  • Como te llamas? (What is your name?)
  • Colors (rojo, verde, azul, negro, amarillo, morado, café, blanco, anaranajado, rosado, gris)
  • Shapes (circulo, triangle, rectangulo, cuadrado, rombo, ovalo, estrella, corazon)
1st grade:
  • Counting 1-20
  • Familia (papa, mama, bebe, hermano, hermana, abuelo, abuela)
  • Body Parts (cabeza, estomago, pie, ojos, orejas, nariz, boca, manos)
  • Numbers out of order
  • Backpack (mochila, lapiz, papel, crayones, pegamiento, tijeras, libro, carpeta)
2nd and 3rd grade:
  • Weather (esta soleado, hace viento, esta nevando, esta lloviendo, hay tormenta, esta nublado)
  • Emotions (feliz, triste, asi asi, cansado, enfermo, enojado)
  • Telling Time
  • Counting by 10's to 60
  • Body Parts (espalda, garganta, dientes, brazos, codos, piernas, rodillas, hombros)
I have also added new resources and videos to the parent resources page!  These are some of the students' favorites!